Uni Sport 4 Kids – 15 April 2014
A total of 70 children lined up over three hours for the holiday Taekwon-Do sessions at Uni Sport 4 Kids hosted by the University of Western Australia on Tuesday 15 April 2014.
The sessions were run at the University Sport and Recreation Centre where only two days earlier we ran our inaugural Platinum Training Workshop (which ran for four hours with 20 coloured belts and three Black Belts participating)!
The children had a fun morning, displaying their strength and agility, trying out Taekwon-Do games and techniques during the sessions run by Sabumnim Adeline and assisted by future Black Belt Jason Duryea.
“It is always exciting to share Taekwon-Do with new students, so it’s a great treat to introduce Taekwon-Do to so many children all in one morning!”
Adeline Cheong, V Dan Black BeltĀ