Dynamic Strength Physiotherapy
Dynamic Strength Physiotherapy was founded in 2014 by your very own 2nd Dan Marika Hart! Marika is an APA-titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist who has over 13 years of experience, predominantly in the private sector. Marika started teaching pilates in 2004 and found it extremely beneficial, not only for her patients but also for herself! She used it extensively during her own pregnancies and found it helped recovery postnatally. She completed her training in ante- and post-natal pilates in London and then did the full equipment pilates training whilst in Melbourne. She ran clinical pilates classes in a sports medicine clinic in Melbourne and more recently at Cottesloe Sports Physio. Marika feels very passionately that pilates should be supervised closely to ensure correct technique and to prevent injury. She focuses on postural alignment, breathing and correct muscle activation. But that doesn’t mean that pilates is easy! Pilates can be extremely challenging for even the most elite athletes.
Current services on offer at Dynamic Strength Physiotherapy include:
– Mums and Bubs Pilates (Ardross and South Perth)
– Pregnancy Pilates (South Perth)
– Platinum Pilates (Claremont – for the Taekwon Do students)
Platinum Pilates commenced in term one 2014 with a full contingent of 12 students. The classes focussed on upper body, abdominal and gluteal strength, balance and neck alignment. Most students found that some of the exercises became easier over the six-week course and they were able to move up a level! Hopefully all have become aware of good posture in the push up position and how important gluteal (bottom!) muscle strength is for kicking.
Term two will consist of a 5-week course, further challenging the core muscles and balance. There is currently one space available if anyone would like to join the group. To put your name on the waitlist, please contact Marika via email.
For the parents, there will be a Postural Pilates course being conducted after work hours, likely to commence in Term 3. This course will be suitable for those who sit at a desk all day and will be designed to improve flexibility and upper back strength. For those who might be interested, please email to be added to the contact list once details are confirmed.
Marika Hart, II Dan