International Instructors Course 4-6 July 2014

IIC San Francisco, July 2014 

IIC 95 Group

Lining up in a room with over 150 black belts alone was an inspiring experience even before the Grand Masters arrived.  Followed by three days with the Grand Master Marano and Grand Master Bos working through pattern by pattern, move by move, I came away feeling over-awed and inspired by the depth of knowledge that had been made available to us. Grand Master Bos’s physical and dynamic sessions helped remind me of why I love taekwon-do while Grand Master Marano’s amazing technical skill and understanding showed me how much more there was to learn. I enjoyed the sense of camaraderie that developed amongst the group over the duration of the course and two things in particular will stick with me from by conversations with the other black belts from around the world. The first is that I want to be one of those senior black belts that is one day training alongside my children and grandchildren. The second is that taekwon-do is a way of life.

Suzy Moore, II Dan Black Belt

IIC 95 GM Bos

Photo: Peter Granheim

Despite the long trip spending a few days in San Francisco at the 95th IIC with a group of Platinum Taekwon-do black belts turned out to be one of my highlights of the year. If training with around 150 other black belts (including multiple world champions) wasn’t inspiring enough, the Grandmasters were truly impressive. We were lucky enough to have a surprise visit from Grandmaster Trajtenburg, President of the ITF, whose enthusiasm was infectious.  Grandmaster Marano’s technical knowledge is second to none, and at 62 Grandmaster Bos put all of us to shame with his physical abilities. The other attendees were incredibly welcoming with multiple offers from around the world to come and train at their local dojang, and even stay at their homes. With another IIC coming to Australia in 2015 I can highly recommend doing whatever you can to attend!

Michael Harwood, III Dan Black Belt



Photo: Peter Granheim

Platinum Taekwon-Do instructors, Adeline Cheong, Paul Raymond, Michael Harwood, Suzy Moore, Peter Granheim and Michael Byrnes attended the 95th IIC in San Francisco. Michael Harwood, Suzy Moore and Michael Byrnes are planning to grade for their III and IV Dans later this year.