14 Sep 2015

12 Sep 2015 GradingIt was a big week last week with a grading hosted by the Cannington dojang on the evening of Monday 7 September. 15 students tested from Claremont, Kelmscott, Maylands and Cannington and examiners Sabumnim Adeline Cheong, Sabumnim Paul and Sabumnim Michael Harwood were pleased with the results. Promotions were rolled out during the week and we are very pleased to announce the promotion of two brand new Green Belts – Kirsty Archibald and Phil Meatyard!

Mid-week saw Sabumnim Paul commence presenting a short external self-defence course  and guest instructors Sabumnim Adeline and Boosabumnim Tarquin conducting classes at the Claremont dojang.

Saturday 12 Sep 15 marked the second grading for Term 3 and the second  for the week! 21 students stepped up between the ranks of 10th and 5th and worked hard to display their best Taekwon-Do techniques, etiquette and theory knowledge. One of the highlights included Owen and Lily Harwood supporting the 7th Graders and participating in all their fundamental drills.

Thanks to all examiners and a special thanks to assisting instructors Boosabumnims Suzy Moore, Cristina Angheluta and Marcela Moraes. Comments were reviewed and results prepared on Sunday and promotions will roll out commencing Tuesday. See you in the dojang!


2014 ITF Taekwon-Do Perth Cup State Championships

prearranged mike and suzyThe VII th ITF Taekwon-Do Perth Cup State Championships was held on 16-17 August 2014 and it was the biggest yet! There were competitors from as far as Geradlton and the event officially opened with a fine display of prearranged free sparring which was thoroughly enjoyed by all, especially the juniors who had front row seats.

If you haven’t yet, check out the event photos on facebook. Thanks to everyone who assisted and made it a great weekend for all.

Well done to everyone who participated, and special congratulations to the overall champions;

Junior Champion Boy: Kiran Chong, Runner-Up: Blake Peckham
Junior Champion Girl: Lily Harwood, Runner-Up: Laura Duryea
Champion Boy: Jett Bradley, Runner-Up: Aiden Duryea
Champion Girl: Charlotte Brown, Runner-Up: Orla Bacon
Champion Male: Lukas Kuster, Runner-Up: Tarquin Betuel
Champion Female:
Teresa Le, Runner-Up: Topaz Betuel

CHAMPION CLUB: Platinum Taekwon-DO RUNNER-UP: Oceanic Taekwon-Do
Champion dojang: Manning Warriors Runner-Up: Claremont Champions

Junior Write-Up!

On the 17th of August the Taekwon-Do Perth Cup was held. It was a very thrilling experience. As usual, there were lots of events to look forward to. Everyone did very well, but the most important thing was to have fun. The best part for some people may have been receiving the medals!

The team patterns were great. Some teams in the junior session had no time to practice and they were really good at co-operating. Time flies and I’ll be looking forward to the future events. Especially the next Perth Cup! Time to train hard like always.

Emereen Moratalla, 11, 8th Gup

2014 Senior Black Belt Grading

21 Sep 14 Black Belt GradingIt was real history in the making on Sunday 21 September 2014 as three of our very own Platinum Taekwon-Do instructors stood tall alongside five other candidates to be tested for their next Dan in ITF Taekwon-Do in front of a panel of seven examiners. It was an especially significant grading with the achieved ranks to be III, IV and V (the step to IV Dan is also the crossover into expert class and International Instructor and Examiner). For Paul this represented the culmination of just short of 20 years of Taekwon-Do which highlights the level of dedication that each of the candidates has given to the art!

Suzy Moore, Michael Harwood and Paul Raymond had put in the necessary concentrated and consistent preparation in the lead up in order to excel, practising inside and outside the dojang, individually and together and it showed across all the required elements.

If you weren’t lucky enough to attend the event, check out our facebook posts and YouTube videos to get a feel for how the day panned out.

It not only takes courage, but also the support of your family and friends to achieve something of this magnitude to such a high standard and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Suzy, Michael and Paul on their fine efforts and thank everyone who played a part in their journey and attended the grading.

Thanks and compliments to Peter Granheim (II Dan) and Martyn Boyle (5th Gup) for the photos. A special thank you also to Master Peter Barbour for conducting the challenging examination and the other examiners who assisted.

Below are the individual thoughts from our newest III, IV and V Dan instructors as well as a write up from one of our I Dans looking on.

Adeline Cheong, V Dan Black Belt

21 Sep Black Belt Grading Suzy

The Dan grading held on 21st September 2014 was one of the highlights of my Taekwon-Do career. It was a privilege to grade for my third degree alongside Sabumnim Paul Raymond (V) and my husband Michael Harwood (IV) as well as the four other blackbelts who participated. The highlights of the day were Sabumnim Paul’s Moon-Moo Tul and the camaraderie between all the participants which built throughout the day. It was incredible to feel the support from those who had come to watch and I look forward to providing the same goodwill for my friends grading in the near future.

Suzy Moore, III Dan Black Belt

21 Sep 14 Black Belt Grading Michael

My IV Dan grading was definitely one of, if not the, highlight of my year. While it was every bit as physically tough as I expected, the strong support from the other six black belts grading (including my wife Suzy), my instructors Paul and Adeline and the many spectators helped me get through the grading in better shape than my previous black belt tests. The many long hours of preparation were well spent and the feeling at the end of the day was hard to describe, but one I can highly recommend! I am looking forward to the next challenges (including Moon-Moo) and joining the other Sabumnim’s on the examiners bench at grading.

Michael Harwood, IV Dan Black Belt

21 Sep 14 Black Belt Grading Paul

I had been graded, and certainly conducted promotional testings for others more times than i can remember, but this grading was going to be different. I was testing to V Dan and although there were six other candidates, I was, as stated many times over by Suzy Moore III Dan, the headline act!

But was I prepared? Technically, yes, and mentally, yes. Physically? Who could really be ready for a 4 hour testing which included fundamental movements, 5 rounds of physical fitness followed by one on one questioning by Master Peter Barbour VII Dan, the 21 patterns up to IV Dan, step sparring, free sparring, close combat, destruction and three rounds of the “attitude test”?

That thing we call indomitable spirit starts to take on a real meaning to you. I WILL finish this, I WILL do my best in every thing I am requested to do! It is this determination and focus that our students learn from their Taekwon-Do training. It’s not easy but we have the desire and work ethic to keep going to achieve something worthwhile.

Well I did survive, and very much enjoyed being the main attraction, but also showing everyone the results of my training. My special thanks go to Adeline Cheong V Dan, my wife and motivator; my training partners Michael Harwood IV Dan and Suzy Moore III Dan; all my students who continue to train and share my love for Taekwon-Do; and Master Barbour VII Dan for facilitating the grading and for his kind words at the end of the grading.

For those thinking about trying Taekwon-Do I strongly encourage you to do so. The best time to start is right NOW!

Paul Raymond, V Dan Black Belt

It’s oddly stressful throughout the “waiting” stages of a grading, arguably more stressful than the grading itself. When I arrived to watch the Dan test including my instructor Paul Raymond and senior to myself Suzy Moore and Michael Harwood, I instantly felt nervous. Notably it was not even my own grading! The pressure placed on these candidates is enormous, and no matter how hard you train and study the waiting stages of a grading will still remain a time where emotion will find the candidate. But I could not have had more faith in these individuals knowing just how hard and effectively they had worked during the journey toward reaching their goal of completing this Dan test successfully.

Whilst it may not have been their first test, this does not make it any easier to complete. With that said they certainly made it look easy, each stage faced by these candidates was with a fire in their belly. There was no fear visible, only a clear intention of completing each task with all the tools they had available. There were even a few smiles along the way. It was at this point I realised the hard part of a grading could be considered the preparation and journey to get to this end point. Not only does the individual have to study, train and consistently apply himself or herself to Taekwon-Do, but they must also have a passion and desire for it. They must prioritise Taekwon-Do as a lifestyle choice rather than a simple end of day activity.

Upon their sweaty victories these three slightly battered candidates could not have appeared happier. Nor could their colleagues be more proud of their formidable achievement. When you consider how much time, effort, frustration and passion has been put into and endured through-out their journey of achieving their new belt it’s not hard to see why.

Each Dan test has appeared different to me, depending on so many factors. It’s never really easy to anticipate what the day may bring despite all the planning and preparation, but it is easy to see that each individual who undertakes this process has a desire to learn and grow spiritually and physically. I have much to learn from these candidates and as always remain inspired by their efforts and achievements in Taekwon-Do, the rest of us have a lot to live up to.

Rosie Johnson, I Dan Black Belt

Grading 19 June 2014

Grading 19 June 2014
by Adeline Cheong V Dan Black Belt

Following a super 55 student grading on 7 June, the Manning dojang hosted the third grading for Term 2 2014 on Thursday 19 June.

There were a number of students ready at this time and we were able to facilitate it, so it became another great opportunity for our students from different dojangs to come together, maintain their friendships and demonstrate their Taekwon-Do skills.

The grading commenced at 6pm immediately following the two 5pm classes for kids, adults and parents. We had a total of 11 students testing from Cannington, Kelmscott, Manning, Maylands, Bedford (five out if out nine dojangs!) with half of those  participating in the preceding class as well, which was fantastic.

Examiners were Sabumnim Paul and Sabumnim Adeline who were both very pleased with the overall standard and were happy to complete the presentation of all promotions on the night which was a well received surprise for all students.

Congratulations to our newest…
9th Grades
Martin Phan – Cannington
Melody Tulloch – Kelmscott

8th Grades
James Andrews – Manning
Rakan Ozrain – Manning
Emereen Moratalla – Cannington
Jeff White – Maylands
Katalin Lanyi-White – Maylands

7th Grades
Belinda Scott – Maylands
Masaniga Boland – Maylands

6th Grade
Jacob Brancato – Manning

4th Grade
Euen Chong – Manning

Grading 25 August 2014

Grading 25 August 2014 
by Adeline Cheong V Dan Black Belt

Grading 25 August 2014

Last night the Cannington dojang hosted it’s fourth coloured belt grading and the largest to date with 14 applicants.   The grading was conducted by Examiners Adeline Cheong and Paul Raymond and was also the fifth grading for 2014. The students ranged from White Belt to Green Belt Blue Tip with the youngest being seven.

There were students from the Ardross, Maylands, Bedford, Claremont, and Manning dojangs with many supporting their fellow students.

The White Belts were tested on their fundamental exercises first, followed by Saju Jurugi and Saju Makgi. Remembering that all students participate in the practical components.

The 9th Gups were next, followed by 6th and 5th Gups concurrently and finally the 7th Gups (The Boyle family were being tested all at the same time!). This component included step-sparring, and flexibility and the grading concluded with close combat.

Congratulations to all students who graded, and also a special congratulations to Kelmscott Komodo Dragon Julia Putazi  who is awarded Best of Grade for 10th Gup.

A great effort to all the junior ranks who tried out some tricky 6th and 5th Gup techniques.

Grading 25 Aug 2014 Step Sparring

Meanwhile at the back of the dojang, two of our Black Belt Instructors were training in preparation for their own gradings later this year.

Grading results will be announced this week following the completion of the marking.  Remember the next grading is only a few weeks away on Sunday 14 September  at the Claremont dojang at 3.30pm (straight after the Round 3 of the Platinum TKD Open Sparring and Pattern Circuit 2.00-3.30pm!!). There was a good number of adults present last night completing their pre-requisite grading too, so we are looking forward to a number of applicants for the next grading.



International Instructors Course 4-6 July 2014

IIC San Francisco, July 2014 

IIC 95 Group

Lining up in a room with over 150 black belts alone was an inspiring experience even before the Grand Masters arrived.  Followed by three days with the Grand Master Marano and Grand Master Bos working through pattern by pattern, move by move, I came away feeling over-awed and inspired by the depth of knowledge that had been made available to us. Grand Master Bos’s physical and dynamic sessions helped remind me of why I love taekwon-do while Grand Master Marano’s amazing technical skill and understanding showed me how much more there was to learn. I enjoyed the sense of camaraderie that developed amongst the group over the duration of the course and two things in particular will stick with me from by conversations with the other black belts from around the world. The first is that I want to be one of those senior black belts that is one day training alongside my children and grandchildren. The second is that taekwon-do is a way of life.

Suzy Moore, II Dan Black Belt

IIC 95 GM Bos

Photo: Peter Granheim

Despite the long trip spending a few days in San Francisco at the 95th IIC with a group of Platinum Taekwon-do black belts turned out to be one of my highlights of the year. If training with around 150 other black belts (including multiple world champions) wasn’t inspiring enough, the Grandmasters were truly impressive. We were lucky enough to have a surprise visit from Grandmaster Trajtenburg, President of the ITF, whose enthusiasm was infectious.  Grandmaster Marano’s technical knowledge is second to none, and at 62 Grandmaster Bos put all of us to shame with his physical abilities. The other attendees were incredibly welcoming with multiple offers from around the world to come and train at their local dojang, and even stay at their homes. With another IIC coming to Australia in 2015 I can highly recommend doing whatever you can to attend!

Michael Harwood, III Dan Black Belt



Photo: Peter Granheim

Platinum Taekwon-Do instructors, Adeline Cheong, Paul Raymond, Michael Harwood, Suzy Moore, Peter Granheim and Michael Byrnes attended the 95th IIC in San Francisco. Michael Harwood, Suzy Moore and Michael Byrnes are planning to grade for their III and IV Dans later this year. 


Grading 12 May 2014

Grading 12 May 2014 – Blog
by Adeline Cheong V Dan Black Belt

On Monday 12 May 2014 the Cannington dojang hosted it’s third coloured belt grading since it opened in Feb 2013. The Examiners were Adeline Cheong and Paul Raymond. Nine students found themselves ready, willing and able to grade on this day ranging from 10th to 7th Gup and from age six to adult.

It was very pleasing to see an additional 17 students attend to support those grading and gain the experience and pre-requisite credit. A special welcome to the Kelmscott Komodo dragons who attended their first grading. Term 2 2014 marks the one year anniversary of the Kelmscott dojang and a big congratulations goes out to Instructors Michael Harwood (III Dan) and Suzy Moore (II Dan)!

Starting with the four White Belts there was a fine display of techniques followed by their fundamental exercises: Saju Jurugi and Saju Makgi. Of course there is always room for improvement, but it made a great start to the testing. Once their practical components were completed it was time for the written test.

Next up were the 9th and 8th Gups and finally one 7th Gup, with testing also including step-sparring, close combat and flexibility. Congratulations to all students who graded, and also a special congratulations to Teresa Le who is awarded Grading Champion as the stand out student!

Grading results will be announced this week following the completion of the written component corrections. Remember the next grading is only a few weeks away on 7 June 2014 at the Claremont dojang.

Congratulations to;

Teresa Le – 6th Gup, Chris Gardiner and Emily Fursa – 7th Gup, Blake Peckham and Jenny Illgen – 8th Gup,Marc Crisp, Burak Igdeli, Adnan Terzi and Jerry Masaryk – 9th Gup


2014 Australian National Championships

National Championships 2014

17 May 2014 Australian National Championships
by Adeline Cheong, V Dan Black Belt

Sunday 17 May 2014. The Platinum Taekwon-Do Nationals Team steps into the dojang at Burnside State School in Nambour, Sunshine Coast ready for some fine competition.

Our team of eight senior competitors and three juniors had started the year well with three competitions under their belt in the lead up to the Australian National Championships. The Kelmscott, Maylands, Claremont and Manning dojangs formed our championship team with our youngest age 11 and ranks ranging from 7th Gup to IV Dan.

The competition would again provide the platform for many clubs from Australia to come together and share their passion for ITF Taekwon-Do. Students and Instructors met old friends, forged new friendships and strived hard to be their best as a competitor, judge or coach.

photo 2-22

Among the highlights of the day was the boys intermediate sparring with our red belt Jason Duryea (14) winning the bout by golden point with a flying punch! Jason displayed great skill and strategy to achieve a silver medal in sparring.

The competition events were run as round robin which meant more mat time for everyone and we finished the day tired, happy and enthusiastic about further developing our skills and preparing for the next event.

Thanks to Master Michael Daher, President of ITF Australia and Mr Gerard Kelly from Universal Taekwon-Do for hosting a fine event. Thanks to the support of family members of all our students for providing them the opportunity to be part of the Platinum Taekwon-Do Nationals Team.

National Championships - Junior Team

Whilst it is is always a fine achievement to win a title the real reward is watching our students come together as a team, display etiquette and sportsmanship, support each other and develop from their experience. The 2014 Platinum Taekwon-Do Nationals Team has again done us proud. Congratulations on your efforts!

Our team and full medal tally is listed below.

Team Manager:- Adeline Cheong

Junior Team
Jason Duryea 2
Aiden Duryea 3
Isaac Blackwell 6

Senior Team
Paul Raymond IV
Michael Hayward IV
Michael Harwood III
Anthony Lim I
Lukas Kuster I
Tarquin Betuel 2
Amanda Cheong-Duryea 6
Teresa Le 7

Champion dojang:- Manning Warriors
Runner Up: Claremont Champions

5 Gold = 5 x 3 points = 15
2 Silver = 2 x 2 points = 4
2 Bronze = 2 x 1 point = 2
Total 21

4 Gold = 4 x 3 points = 12
1 Silver = 2
3 Bronze = 3 x 1 = 3
17 points

1 Gold = 3 points
1 Silver = 2 points
Total 5

National Championship Medals

Medal Tally

I Dan Patterns
Gold Anthony Lim
Silver Lukas Kuster

IV Dan up Patterns
Bronze Paul Raymond

Coloured Belt Female Patterns
Gold Teresa Le
Bronze Amanda Cheong-Duryea

Coloured Belt Male Patterns
Gold Tarquin Betuel

Colour Belt Heavy Weight Mens Sparring
Gold Tarquin Betuel

Black Belt Light Weight Mens Sparring
Bronze Lukas Kuster

Special Technique Male
Gold Michael Harwood

Intermediate Boys Sparring
Silver Jason Duryea

Junior Boys Sparring
Gold Aiden Duryea

Junior Boys Patterns
Gold Aiden Duryea

Junior Prearranged Sparring
Gold Jason Duryea and Isaac Blackwell

Senior Prearranged Sparring
Silver Paul Raymond and Michael Harwood
Bronze Tarquin Betuel and Lukas Kuster

Junior Boys Special Technique
Gold Isaac Blackwell

Inspirit Taekwon-Do Invitational

 Inspirit Invitational 2014

Inspirit Taekwon-Do Invitational Tournmament – 4 May 2014

It was a bit of a drive out to Aveley, but worth the trip as with 22 competitors the highlights for the Platinum Team kept coming all day long at today’s Inspirit Taekwon-Do Invitational Tournament.

At times there was so much action happening at the same time that you had to switch your focus back and forth between the three rings to keep up with our students competing concurrently. By 1030am we had already secured 14 medals and the sparring hadn’t even yet begun.
Inspirit Invitational 2014
We finished the afternoon with team sparring, power breaking and special technique for the adult males and senior females. One of the most exciting bouts of the day was during the team sparring with Anthony Lim against a big and tall Black Belt; where Anthony’s speed and agility shone through as he executed his techniques moving swiftly around the ring.
Inspirit Invitational
Special commendation goes to our junior competitors Ethan Grubba (7), Amelie Boyle (9), Jocelyn Brown (9), Angus Brown (10), Aiden Duryea (11), Isaac Blackwell (11), Jason Duryea (13) and Orla Bacon-Rees (16) who all displayed great focus, composure and competitive spirit.
Inspirit Invitational 2014
Other highlights included Isaac Blackwell’s “special” secret weapon in sparring and the Team Patterns which presented the opportunity for students from our different Platinum Taekwon-Do dojangs to come together as well as combined efforts between juniors and seniors.

Like many competitions some of it comes down to the luck of the draw and those who have the courage to put their hand up to compete are all winners regardless of the result.

We were happy to be able to enter five teams into the team pattern event with special mention going to the color belt adults pattern team from the Maylands dojang who were very brave coming up against a whole lot of black belts!
Inspirit Invitational 2014
Even our youngest supporter 22 month old Oliver Raymond enjoyed the event and appropriately bid farewell to red belt Tarquin in style “see ya Tarquin-Do”!

A perfect way to spend your Sunday is competing and supporting a tournament…now for the National Championships on 17 May!

Our final medal tally of 47 medals is below.

Adeline Cheong, V Dan Black Belt 

Black Belt Male Patterns 3 Dan up
Bronze Paul Raymond

Female Colour Belt Patterns
Gold Teresa Le
Silver Masa Boland
Bronze Jenny Illgen

Black Belt Male Patterns
Gold Lukas Kuster
Bronze Anthony Lim

Colour Belt Male Patterns
Gold Tarquin Betuel
Bronze Marc Crisp

Junior Girls Patterns
Silver Jocelyn Brown
Gold Amelie Boyle

Boys Patterns
Gold Aiden Duryea
Bronze Isaac Blackwell

Senior Boys Patterns
Silver Jason Duryea

Senior Girls Colour Belt Patterns
Bronze Orla Bacon-Rees

Veterans Colour Belt Mens Patterns
Bronze Martyn Boyle
Bronze Tim Grubba

Junior Boys Flying high kick
Silver Ethan Grubba

Junior Girls Flying High Kick
Bronze Jocelyn Brown

Junior Girls Flying Side kick
Bronze Jocelyn Brown

Team Pattern
Bronze Green and Gold –
Topaz, Erin, Angus, Isaac, Teresa

Senior Team Pattern
Bronze Platinum Black – Paul, Michael, Anthony and Lukas

Womens Colour Belt Sparring
Gold Erin Dikstaal
Silver Topaz Betuel
Bronze Jenny Illgen

Mens Colour Belt Sparing
Gold Tarquin Betuel
Silver Tim Grubba
Bronze Marc Crisp

Black Belt Mens Middle Weight Sparring
Bronze Michael Hayward

Flying High kick
Silver Angus Brown

Flying Side kick
Bronze Angus Brown

Junior Boys Sparring
Gold Aiden Duryea
Silver Isaac Blackwell

Senior Boys sparring
Silver Jason Duryea

Team Sparring
Silver Platinum – Tarquin, Anthony, Lukas

Power Breaking
Bronze Tarquin Betuel

Male Special Technique
Bronze Anthony Lim
Silver Lukas Kuster

Female Special Technique
Bronze Orla

John XXIII College

John XX

John XXIII College – 30 April 2014

Platinum Taekwon-Do spent Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons this week at John XXIII College in  Mount Claremont.

We received a warm welcome and much positive feedback from Mr John Alderman who has been the college’s sports teacher for the past 18 years.

Sabumnims Paul and Adeline and Boosabumnim Michael Byrnes ran four Taekwon-Do clinics over the two afternoons for approximately 100 eager year one and two students.


The children showed great enthusiasm in participating in our energetic Taekwon-Do games including Sabumnim Says, Tag Chasey, Tag Sparring, Gingerbread men and Animal Taekwon-Do. They also displayed their skills and agility whilst executing punch combinations and kicks on the focus mitts.


It was lovely to see quite a few familiar faces from our regular classes on day one too. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the college and look forward to meeting students from John XXIII again!

Adeline Cheong, V Dan Black Belt